Workout of the Week – August 8 – August 15, 2021

Workout nickname is “Death by Papercuts”.  This is a tempo run dressed up for track running. We start with straights/curves, have a normal tempo section, and then finish with straights/curves again. GPS is unreliable for this style, so run by Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE). Imagine you’re surging in a race and then settling back into race pace.

Warmup (Strides, Drills)


Run 100 Metres Straights at 5KM Race Pace (RPE8), the 100 Metres Curves at Marathon Pace (RPE6).

Repeat 8 – 12 Times

400 Metres Easy Jog (RPE3)

3200-5000 Metres at TEMPO Pace (Somewhere between ½ Marathon and 10KM Race Pace) RPE7

400 Metres Easy Jog (RPE3)

Run 100 Metres Straights at 5KM Race Pace (RPE8), the 100 Metres Curves at Marathon Pace (RPE6).
